Thursday, 28 February 2013

Preparation for ancillary tasks 1. How celebrities promote themselves

The most common way in my eyes for musicians to promote themselves is through contraversy, the more different they are the more noticable they are. A good example of someone different from any others is Lady Gaga, the way she has the most crazy music videos and strangest outfits, she gets alot of attention and promotes herself in that way, she also calls her fans 'monsters' which is a way of making her audience feel special and as a result, more people want to  be her fans.
Many musicians have a view on promoting themselves as 'any publicity is good publicity' which is true in many cases, such as Amy Winehouse who had the image of being a junkie and an alcoholic, but it made her famous, she used it to promote herself, she even made songs about it, such as Rehab which is probably her most famous song.
Rappers mostly promote themselves through finding more specific target groups as the only people that will like them are young people seeing as their way of getting fans is though aspirational lifestyle, mostly young people will like to see how they live, the also promote themselves through having a laid back view on life. Many will like them for the way they obviously break the law by smoking marihuana, even on camera, many will also be fans of their 'rastafari lifestyle' the most famous for using this sort of publicity is probably Bob Marley, but there are many other using the same way of promoting themselves such as Lil Wayne.

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